Blend English




The American obsession with Trump (by Pierre)

Before I share anything, I want to make something perfectly clear. Prior to this year, I have never considered myself politically involved at all. When Barack Obama delivered a speech just blocks away from my college dormitory, I was sitting in my chair, sipping on a Dr. Pepper mildly paying attention to what was happening outside. I just never thought that it would matter who sat in the oval office but, this year... we have Trump. 

At first, I thought it was some kind of joke when I first heard that he was running for President. When months passed, that joke turned into a sad reality and now, with him holding the Republican nomination in his grasp, it's turned into a living nightmare. I am, as an American, horrified for my country and shudder to think at what kind of direction it may be headed for.

A single question seems to pop up time and time again when I think about the Trump campaign: why? Why is he so successful with his horrid reputation? Why do I care if that man sits in the oval office while I sit in my own office, miles and miles away?

Well, I can attribute his success to two possible reasons. First of all, people view him as a leader who is different and will put American interests above all else. The second reason being is... well, I personally think that some people just want to see the world burn but that's about all I'll say about that. Now, coming back to the first point, people actually believe that Trump will be a good leader. They think that he will change the way things are going in the States because he has a "successful" business history and he isn't afraid to speak his mind. He speaks of valuing Americans over the world and he wouldn't bend to the wills of other countries. Now, stated like this, this doesn't sound that horrible. But let's talk about his approach and who that man is and what he represents.

Let's talk about his business history. He has established a company that is known globally but how many times has he filed for bankruptcy? Once? No. Twice? No... Three times? Not even! He's filed for bankruptcy four times! His first time was in 1991, the second time was just a year after and if you think that he's learned his lesson, you'll be sad to hear that he filed again in 2004 and as recently again as 2009! Now, I have no authority to judge a person's track record but COME ON! Asking him to save our economy is like asking a raging alcoholic to help you quit drinking!

Now let's talk about putting American interests above all others. Now, as an American, I can see the appeal but after I consider what kind of man Trump is and how he will approach this, I can only pray that we have any allies left after he's through with everything. He is, for lack of a better word, a bully. In his pursuit of American interests, he would only succeed in alienating us from our valued friends abroad. How can we let a man that is viewed as a misogynistic, racist, greedy sociopath be at the helm of our country? How could we let THAT be the face of the U.S? It is horrifying to even think of such a reality and I for one, hope that it will never come to pass.
